Thursday, October 30, 2014

The Missing Dollar

This riddle uses "informal fallacy," or intentionally creating a fallacy.

Three businessmen, after a long day at work, check into a hotel and rent a room for one night. The total fee is $30 for the whole room, which the businessmen decide to split up into three parts, or 10 dollars each. However, when the bellhop gives the money to the clerk, the clerk realizes that this was the hotel's discount week, and a $5 dollar discount would normally happen. The clerk tells the bellhop to return $5 to the three customers.

However, on the way there, the bellhop realizes that he can't split $5 evenly without counting change. He decides to take $2 for himself and gives $3 back to the businessmen so that they each get a dollar back.

So, the businessmen, after paying $10, each got a dollar back. This means they paid $9 each. 9 times 3 is $27, and after adding the two dollars the bellhop took, it's $29.

The businessmen paid $30. Where did the missing dollar go?

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