Saturday, October 18, 2014

Things I hate

Here are some things that I really hate:
1) When people say, "Hey, you like red? So does my friend! You two would get along!"
2) When on Halloween, people say, "I'm dressed up as myself."
3) When you go behind the person with 50 items in an express lane in a grocery store.
4) When you go behind the person with 50 items, and find out that the cashier isn't experienced.
5) When your computer crashes right when you're finished with your MS Word document and about to save.
6) When people talk about how they hate Valentine's Day on Valentine's Day for 20 minutes straight.
7) When haters gonna hate.
8) When people mistaken sarcasm for irony.
9) When you have to click 50 confirmation messages to order something.
10) When the plane gets delayed and you have a double flight.
11) When you remember that you forgot to get a single ingredient from the grocery store after you came back from the grocery store.
12) When you can't decide what to have for dinner.
13) When you realize that you just drank expired milk.
14) When life isn't fair.
15) When you spend thirty minutes doing something you like in reward for spending two hours doing something you hate.
16) When people don't use correct grammar.
17) When you realize you drank expired milk right after someone tells you it's expired milk.

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