Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Some fun stuff about different phobias.

Phobias List
Ablutophobia: fear of bathing, cleaning, or washing
Achluophobia: fear of darkness
Acrophobia: fear of heights
Agoraphobia: fear of helplessness and of leaving safe places
Agrizoophobia: fear of wild animals
Agyrophobia: fear of crossing the road
Aichmophobia: fear of sharp or pointed objects
Ailurophobia: fear of cats
Alectorophobia: fear of chickens
Algophobia: fear of pain
Alliumphobia: fear of garlic
Allodoxaphobia: fear of opinions
Amathophobia: fear of dust
Amaxophobia: fear of riding in a car
Ambulophobia: fear of walking
Amnesiphobia: fear of amnesia
Amychophobia: fear of being scratched
Angrophobia: fear of anger or becoming angry
Anthophobia: fear of flowers
Anthropophobia: fear of people or the company of people
Antlophobia: fear of floods
Apeirophobia: fear of infinity
Aquaphobia: fear of water
Arachibutyrophobia: fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth
Arachnophobia: fear of spiders or other arachnids
Arithmophobia: fear of numbers
Astraphobia: fear of thunder and lightning
Atychiphobia: fear of failure
Automatonophobia: fear of anything that falsely represents a sentient being
Autophobia: fear of one's potential actions or capabilities
Aviophobia, aviatophobia: fear of flying
Bacteriophobia: fear of bacteria
Ballistophobia: fear of missiles or bullets
Barophobia: fear of gravity
Bathophobia: fear of depth
Bibliophobia: fear of books
Blennophobia: fear of slime
Bufonophobia: fear of toads
Chaetophobia: fear of hair
Chemophobia: fear of chemcials
Chiroptophobia: fear of bats
Chromophobia: fear of bright colors
Chronophobia: fear of time and time moving forward
Claustrophobia: fear of having no escape and being closed in
Cleithrophobia: the fear of being trapped
Coulrophobia: fear of clowns
Cyberphobia: fear or aversion to computers and of learning new technologies
Decidophobia: fear of making decisions
Dentophobia, odontophobia: fear of dentists and dental procedures
Disposophobia: fear of getting rid of or losing things
Emetophobia: fear of vomiting
Entomophobia: fear of bugs
Ergasiophobia: fear of work or functioning, or a surgeon's fear of operating
Ergophobia: fear of work or functioning
Frigophobia: fear of becoming too cold
Gamophobia: fear of marriage, commitment
Gelotophobia: fear of being laughed at
Gephyrophobia: fear of bridges
Gerascophobia: fear of growing old or aging
Gerontophobia: fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly
Globophobia: fear of balloons, or balloons popping
Glossophobia: fear of speaking in public or trying to speak
Hadephobia, stigiophobia, stygiophobia: fear of Hell
Halitophobia: fear of bad breath
Haphephobia: fear of being touched
Heliophobia: fear of sunlight
Hemophobia: fear of blood
Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia: fear of the number 666
Hoplophobia: fear of weapons, specifically firearms
Hylophobia: fear of trees, forests, or wood
Hypnophobia: fear of sleep
Ichthyophobia: fear of fish including fear of eating fish, or fear of dead fish
Koumpounophobia: fear of buttons
Lipophobia: fear of avoidance or fats in food
Melissophobia: fear of bees
Monophobia: fear of being alone or isolated
Mottephobia: fear of butterflies or moths
Musophobia, murophobia: fear of mice and/or rats
Myrmecophobia: fear of ants
Mysophobia: fear of germs, contamination, or dirt
Necrophobia: fear of death and/or the dead
Neophobia: fear of newness
Nomophobia: fear of being out of mobile phone contact
Nosocomephobia: fear of hospitals
Nosophobia: fear of contracting a disease
Nyctophobia, achluophobia, lygophobia, scotophobia: fear of darkness
Obesophobia: fear of obesity
Oikophobia: fear of home surroundings and household appliances
Ombrophobia: fear of rain
Ophthalmophobia: fear of being stared at
Ornithophobia: fear of birds
Osmopobia: fear of bad odors
Panphobia: fear of everything or constant fear of an unknown cause
Papaphobia: fear of the Pope
Paraskevidekatriaphobia: fear of Friday the 13th
Pediophobia: fear of dolls
Phagophobia: fear of swallowing
Pharmacophobia: fear of medications
Phasmophobia: fear of ghosts or phantoms
Philophobia: fear of love
Phobophobia: fear of fear itself or of having a phobia
Phonophobia: fear of loud sounds
Pogonophobia: fear of beards
Pyrophobia: fear of fire
Radiophobia: fear of radioactivity or X-rays
Scopophobia: fear of being looked at or stared at
Selachophobia: fear of sharks
Sesquipedalophobia: fear of long words
Sociophobia: fear of people or social situations
Spectrophobia: fear of mirrors
Taphophobia: fear of the grave, or fear of being placed in a grave while still alive
Technophobia: fear of technology
Tetraphobia: fear of number 4
Thalassophobia: fear of the sea, or fear of being in the ocean
Thanatophobia: fear of dying
Thermophobia: fear of heat
Traumatophobia: fear of having an injury
Triskaidekaphobia: fear of number 13
Trypophobia: fear of holes or textures with a pattern of holes
Turophobia: fear of cheese
Uranophobia: fear of Heaven
Vermiphobia: fear of worms
Xanthophobia: fear of the color yellow
Xenophobia: fear of strangers, foreigners, or aliens

Zoophobia: fear of one or more specific classes of animals

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